Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Quilting Graph Paper!

Printable Paper is a website that offers all kinds of different printable templates.  Check out this one for quilting graph paper.  Genius!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Me? Link up to a "finish party"?

Okay...I'm doing it!  I'm linking up to July's goal setting party - "A Lovely Year of Finishes"!  I started a quilt for a very special teacher in early May and haven't been back to it since Memorial weekend.  I did have a little basting setback.

I tried Sharon Schamber's method  for basting a quilt using her YouTube tutorial.  It looks so easy on the video and it was super easy!!!!  I basted the quilt on my kitchen counter in about 45 minutes.  The quilt is 68X54ish.  The front was smooth and beautiful!  I was ecstatic until I turned it over.  There were puckers everywhere!  I have no idea why it didn't work!  Next I'm going to try the same method and tape the sides of the backing to the counter as I go.  Maybe that will keep things taught.

So, the quilt is now rebasted and ready for quilting.  Since I have no experience in FMQ, I'll do some wavy lines.  

The other thing I must accomplish this month is to blog!  My Joy keeps nudging me so here goes...

easy basting - too bad it didn't work!